Encryption at Rest
Note: Encryption at Rest is currently in alpha testing
Important: Don't lose the encryption key. It's not possible to recover the data afterwards.
To enable encryption at rest we need to create a kubernetes secret then add it as an env var to our Bionic installation.
kubectl -n bionic-gpt create secret generic customer-key \ --from-literal=key="$(openssl rand -hex 32)"
Add the Key to the Bionic Deployment
We need to add the key as an env var to the Bionic deployment.
kubectl -n bionic-gpt patch deployment bionic-gpt \ --type='strategic' \ -p ' spec: template: spec: containers: - name: bionic-gpt env: - name: CUSTOMER_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: customer-key key: key'
Add the Key to the RAG Engine Deployment
kubectl -n bionic-gpt patch deployment bionic-rag-engine \ --type='strategic' \ -p ' spec: template: spec: containers: - name: bionic-rag-engine env: - name: CUSTOMER_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: customer-key key: key'
External Secrets Operator
If you want to use external secrets managers such as an HSM or Hashicorp Vault then we recommend the External Secrets Operator