Docker Desktop Installation (Experimental)

    If you have already installed Docker Desktop then you have easy access to a Kubernetes installation. This should work on Windows, Linux and MacOs including Apple Silicon.

    However it's difficult for us to test on all these system hence why we have it down as experimental. If you have any issues please raise it in the discussions.

    Go to settings and enable Kubernetes

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    1. Install the Bionic CLI (MacOS)

    export BIONIC_VERSION=v1.7.31
    curl -OL${BIONIC_VERSION}/bionic-cli-darwin && chmod +x ./bionic-cli-darwin && sudo mv ./bionic-cli-darwin /usr/local/bin/bionic

    Try it out

    bionic -h

    1. Install the Bionic CLI (Windows)

    Windows executables are available here

    Try it out

    bionic.exe -h

    1. Install the Bionic CLI (Linux)

    export BIONIC_VERSION=v1.7.31
    curl -OL${BIONIC_VERSION}/bionic-cli-linux && chmod +x ./bionic-cli-linux && sudo mv ./bionic-cli-linux /usr/local/bin/bionic

    Try it out

    bionic -h

    2. Install the application into Docker Desktop

    bionic install

    The Finished Result

    After a while of container creation you should see all the pods running and then be able to access Bionic.

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    Run the User Interface

    You can then access the front end from http://localhost and you'll be redirected to a registration screen.


    The first user to register with BionicGPT will become the system administrator. The information is kept local to your machine and your data is not sent anywhere.

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